Work and home have different sets of rules.
It’s tough to switch environments from home to work and back to home again all in the same day.
Many men feel they can be assertive, confident, and direct at work. They get respect, admiration, and affirmation of a job well done. But when they bring this same energy home, many husbands and fathers can feel a sense of contempt and disrespect.
Far too often, the best men think that all they can do is quietly grit their teeth, clench their fists, take a deep breath, and hold their tongue.
Of course, this strategy is merely a short-term one, and the self-control eventually runs out, leading to unpleasant experiences.
Most men received different training growing up.
Many men grew up in environments that did not support expressing feelings or discussing their struggles.
Our training taught us to quickly get over the things bothering us and work harder toward our goals.
But modern-day relationships in romantic partnership and fatherhood ask more of men than what their background growing up equipped them to handle.
While this can feel frustrating for men, it is a journey with a relational and personal payout worth the investment. I promise.
Learn to connect with your family.
I help husbands and fathers who feel worn down, disconnected, and short with their families.
They learn to be emotionally intelligent while honing their communication skills through our work together.
With new insight into their own needs and the needs of their spouse and children, home can transform into a place of genuine enjoyment and support.
Men, let me help you turn your home back into a space of calm and connection.